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Barn Elms

The development consists of the construction of 38 residential units comprising a mix of apartments and houses.

The development consists of the construction of 38 residential units comprising a mix of apartments, houses. The development replaced the existing sheds and warehouses that occupied the back lands/infill site. The attractive single-story existing residence ‘Barn Elms’ was retained at the entrance. A large central open space is provided with both houses and apartment blocks overlooking this space giving enhanced amenity value for the residents. A mix of 1 bed to 3 bed apartments are provided with the larger 5 bedroom houses creating a wide mix of units within.


Cosgrave's Residential Developments


Barn Elms, Upper Churchtown Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14

Completion Date

Completed March 2023

Services Provided

Planning, Post Planning, Assigned Certifier and Design Certifier

Unit Quantity + Mix

26 Apartments, 11 Houses, 1 Lodge

Density (Hectare)

51 Unit/Hectare


2-3 Storey

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